About Digital Amazing Point


Digital Amazing Point provides high quality computer education at a very high standard at a very low cost. Digi Amazing mission is to create a pool of high quality software professionals who will meet the demanding needs of multinational organizations for tomorrow’s challenges.

To provide, nurture and maintain an environment of high academics excellence, research and entrepreneurship for all aspiring students, which will prepare them to face global challenges maintaining high ethical and moral standards.
After completing our courses, students become IT professionals, who are well equipped with knowledge and necessary skills and are able to solve the real problems related to Information Technology. IT industry is changing amazingly fast, we have designed our courses in accordance with the current trends of it industry and have the flexibility to add new courses and leave the courses whichever is now obsolete.


Our Mission

To provide, nurture and maintain an environment of high academics excellence, research and entrepreneurship for all aspiring students.


Our Vision

To satisfy the aspirations of youth force, who wants to lead nation towards prosperity through techno-economic development.


Our Values

Will prepare to all students to face global challenges maintaining high ethical and moral standards.
What students are saying (Our Testimonial)

Get in Touch with Us

Our Headquarters are in Australia

If you would like to speak to our staff member or have a general inquiry, please contact us as below. We would like to discuss your need and goals to fulfill your dreams.

Nagar Council Market, Rampura Phul, Punjab 151103
Phone: 98770-45546
Email: info@digiamazing.com

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